
How to get funding for startup in India from the government?


Funding for startups is right now one of the sensational topics in India. It is encouraging to watch the government coming forward to support these newly developed ventures. Thus, the government funding for startups will create a favourable ecosystem to ensure a perfect ambience for the budding entrepreneurs. It will empower different ventures by spurring the desire for growth and innovation...

How does CrowdFunding work?


Crowdfunding has garnered considerable attention over the last couple of years. Growing internet connectivity and the rise of social media platforms have played a major role in the establishment of this new and innovative funding option known as “Crowdfunding.”  Remember the controversial #Babakadhaba story that made the front pages of every news channel and social media...

What is pre seed funding and how it works?


If your business or startup is still in the proof-of-concept stage or is lacking enough funds to support growth, then pre-seed funding may be a great option to consider. But what exactly is pre-seeding and when is the right time to go for pre seed funding? Should you go for it? Is there any other option you can consider?  If questions like these often plague your mind, don’t be scared...

How much equity to give away in a seed round?


Equity is a hot topic in the startup world, and there’s no perfect answer for how much equity to give away in a seed round. Advisors, investors, and entrepreneurs all have different perspectives on the matter.  Some startups choose to give away a lot of equity in order to attract investors, while others try to hold on to as much equity as possible. No matter what you decide, it’s...

Everything you need to know about different stages of startup funding


In the business world, funding is everything. It’s what keeps businesses afloat and growing, and without it, most startups tend to perish. The correlation between funding and the success of a business is so ubiquitous that many entrepreneurs, especially the young millennials, rush headlong into the jaws of eager investors. It is, therefore, critical to be well-versed in the terms and...

Series A, B and C funding-How startups benefit from different funding stages


Facilitating a startup with the required funds at every stage of business is quintessential. In the current scenario, most of the startups fail as they do not get access to capital and other key resources at the right time. Previously, we have already discussed how startup funding series works at various stages of business. Apart from knowing the various stages of startup funding, it is also...

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We believe there is a better way to connect with people in professional space. A more valuable, more personal way where connections and long-term relationships are built, rather than requested, over a cup of coffee!