In his current role, Rahul wears multiple hats as the driver of strategy, comms, marketing, and international market deveopment functions in a leading professional services firm. He is a strategic advisor and skilled networker, with an expertise in strategic commuications, global marketing and BD. A graduate of ISB, IMT, & SsCBS, Rahul is credited with building, managing and advising on large award-winning corporate development and transformation initiatives, regularly leveraging technology, processes and by building relationships. Over the years, Rahul has relied on his deep understanding of finance, public policy, law, to provide holistic advise to over 30 leading brands across sectors. Rahul is widely networked with the domestic and international media, and the public policy & advocacy community. He is a published researcher on Communications, Business Strategy and ESG. Rahul would love to meet peer CXOs besides engaging with founders and CXO from young companies, who are seeking rest thier growth based on sophisticated strategy, evolved BD/marketing, communications, and is seeking alignment to the dynamic l regulatory & policy frameworks.