Irfan Anwar
Founder at MadeByMaa
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Worked with
  • Samiya Engineering Pvt. Ltd
  • MadeByMaa
Experienced In
  • Project Management
  • Bachelor's degree, Trident Academy of Technology (TAT), Bhubaneswar

I am a food tech Entrepreneur, and we invite you to join our food tech startup revolution, transforming the way people eat and enjoy food. Our innovative approach combines cutting-edge technology, advanced culinary techniques, and sustainable practices to create delicious, healthy and low cost meals that can be customized to each individual's preferences and dietary needs.With your support, we can accelerate our growth, expand our reach, and bring our vision of a healthier and more sustainable food system to millions of people around the world.Investing in our food tech startup is not just a smart financial decision, it is a way to make a positive impact on our health, our pocket, our environment, and our future. Join us in this exciting journey and let's create a better world, one bite at a time.Thank you for your consideration.


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