CoffeeMug Mentor for Growth
Diptarag Bhattacharjee
Ex Chief Operating Officer at Amway India
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Worked with
  • Amway India Enterprises Private Limited
Experienced In
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Sales Management
  • Strategy
  • Executive Education, Thunderbird School of Global Management

Diptarag is a senior management professional who is adept at making decisions and leaderships. He is has over 3 decades of successful experience in providing fiscal, strategic and operations leadership in uniquely challenging situations; vast experience with business practices and economic conditions; excellent ability to quickly close deals with an emphasis on profitability. He is a dynamic and results-oriented leader with a strong track record of performance in turnaround and high-paced organizations. Utilize keen analysis and insights and team approach to drive organizational improvements and implementation of best practices. Superior interpersonal skills, capable of resolving multiple and complex (sales, human resources, legal, financial, operational) issues and motivating staff to peak performance. Strong ability to solve complex company problems using excellent judgment and decision-making skills. Highly proficient negotiation and persuasion skills make it easy to come to agreements and persuade people, organizations, and vendors to meet the company in the middle. Ability to identify complex problems and use critical thinking skills to implement plans for overcoming those problems for the company’s benefit. Systematic and organized with quick adaptability to changing trends/processes and possessing comprehensive problem detection/ solving abilities and a highly analytical bent of mind thus being able to comprehend & explain complex financial data easily. Adept at formulating and implementing strategies to track flaws, and drawing inputs to realign tactics/strategies to streamline the proper functioning.


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