The government has taken a USD 5 trillion GDP target by 2025. You must be wondering if it is feasible at all? Also, this target is not possible if India doesn’t take the necessary steps to become a trillion-dollar digital economy by 2025. Ananthanarayanan is the best person to share insights on this roadmap over a cup of coffee.Ananthanarayanan is currently the Director of Govt. affairs and Public Policy with Intel Corporation. As part of his profile, he works closely with the government on key digital initiatives like National Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy, etc. at a national scale to address complex, societal challenges. Before Intel, he was Wipro Ltd. in corporate affairs.Ananthanarayanan is known for his go-getter attitude balanced with a cool, well-composed personality. He spends time with people in mentoring and guiding them in dealing with complex, large scale problem statements, especially in Govt. affairs and public policy matters.