AuthorTeam CoffeeMug

What is the average startup cost for a business?


The biggest concern for any entrepreneur is cost management and planning. Estimating the average costs involved in starting up a business is quite a challenge as numerous factors need to be considered before calculating the average costs involved in starting up a firm. The key to addressing this concern is to determine a budget for a startup business. Our network of seasoned entrepreneurs...

How to plan & manage a marketing budget for a new startup?


Startup Marketing is a careful balance of four elements: Money, Growth, Time, and Data. Anthony W. Richardson One of the most complex challenges a startup encounters is the Marketing Process: What is a reasonable marketing budget for a startup? and how much to spend are all concerns that plague any growing company which is striving to succeed. But don’t worry, our experts at Coffeemug have...

Investing in startups via LLP


An LLP or Limited Liability Partnership is a popular business structure in India and one where the individuals that form the partnership are not liable for the risks but the startup as a whole is deemed responsible for any debts or liabilities that may arise during the running of the business. That means one partner is not responsible for another partner’s misconduct or negligence. New businesses...

Brief guide on how to find angel investors in India?


“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.” – Ratan Tata, Tata Group As a start-up entrepreneur, you would have laid the basis by raising funds from your savings. However, when you’re ready to take your goal even further and put your company on a fast track to success, finance becomes the most challenging hurdle to conquer on your...

Investing in Indian startups as US citizen


India is now considered as one of the most powerful economic forces in the world. India’s economy has a significant impact on global trade and the majority of the world’s leading developed countries want to establish or strengthen connections with India. India is a popular destination for investors over other major countries, regardless of location, due to its large market base and...

What are the important criteria for investment in startups?


Startups have great potential to generate substantial revenue for investors. Investing in early-stage startups allows an investor to reap maximum benefits from a startup’s ideas. However, not every business venture succeeds. Many of them appear to have good ideas but fail to put them into practice adequately. When it comes to investing in a startup, investors are smart because they want...

How common people can invest in startups


Startups are extremely popular and numerous success stories of startups that blow up the internet continue to emerge from time to time. Over the last few years, a number of people have actually made a lot of money by investing in startup companies. It can be extremely profitable to invest in a startup during the early stages however it is often assumed that investing in a startup is only for...

Why is funding the lifeline of every startup business


Businesses require funding for a variety of reasons. There are, however, a few common reasons why businesses require finance in order to keep functioning. To the outsider, a business might appear to be doing fine and we might wonder, why do businesses need finance? Well, there could be a number of reasons why a company needs finance despite the fact that it might appear to be doing well enough on...

Key funding options for growing your Business


All startups have one thing in common: they require funding to get started. In the past, entrepreneurs relied heavily on traditional methods to raise funds for their ventures, like getting a loan from banks or other financial institutions. But, over the past decade, there has been a shift in how the startup ecosystem works. Entrepreneurs now have access to multiple business funding options. The...

Why a startup should opt for Venture Capital?


As a budding entrepreneur, you may have laid the foundation of your start-up business. But if you want to sustain and scale rapidly you need funding. “Does my startup need venture capital money?” may be the first question that comes to mind. Yes, Venture Capital is a great alternative among the several investment choices accessible. There are several advantages of being funded through...

About CoffeMug

We believe there is a better way to connect with people in professional space. A more valuable, more personal way where connections and long-term relationships are built, rather than requested, over a cup of coffee!